Case Study — Precision Cabinetmaking

A family business with integrity and support at its heart.

“Planit always come up with solutions outside of the square. We always find a way to do it, a way that works for our business”.”

Chris Carmeci
Precision Cabinetmaking

Initial Engagement.

When Chris Carmeci established Precision Cabinetmaking in 2007, his ambitions were fuelled by strong ethics and a passion for the craftsmanship he had learnt during his apprenticeship. 

Chris's parents – Sam and Maria – were extremely supportive and helped him kickstart his business in their single garage in Carlingford.

With his unflinching dedication and constant drive for excellence, Chris has cemented Precision Cabinetmaking as a symbol of excellence across Greater Sydney over the last 15 years.

Let us take a deeper dive into Chris' journey of entrepreneurship.


The Humble Beginnings.

Back in 2007, when Chris launched his business, he had one goal in his mind: to build a loyal customer base for Precision Cabinetmaking.

Driven by this goal, Chris set about making a name for himself in the Hills District and northwest Sydney. Precision Cabinetmaking didn't take long to outgrow his parents' garage. Its exponential growth was beyond Chris' imagination, and then he realised he needed help to match the increased demand.

Keeping It in the Family

Chris' father, Sam, an accountant, had instilled in Chris the values of working systematically and rationally. As a result, Chris moved to his first 'proper' business premises in Dural. There he approached Planit Australia to discuss how CABINET VISION could assist him in moving his business to the next level.

In his words, "CABINET VISION was slightly different to us because everything we'd done was pen-and-paper and the old-school way. The thing that caught our eye was the ease of manufacturing, compared to how we were doing it".

Joining hands with Planit Australia and CABINET VISION opened up an advanced toolset for Chris. As a result, he optimised and automated his workflows, eliminated mistakes, mitigated wastage, and presented his business to his customers even more fashionably.

This venture helped Precision Cabinetmaking boost its sales by wowing its customers with professional renderings and presentations.

Planit Australia
+ Precision Cabinetmaking

Planit is always helpful,” Chris says. “They always come up with solutions outside of the square. We always find a way to do it, a way that works for our business

Chris initially chose to partner with Planit Australia using the entry-level configuration of Cabinet Vision; and made sure that he used their functionality to the fullest.

As Precision Cabinetmaking began to really grow, Chris heavily invested in a new factory in Riverstone. Along with the factory came his first and second CNC machines. 

Centred around “smarter manufacturing”, these investments enabled better brand communication to customers and prospects. He was also able to dispense timely manufacturing information throughout the office and machine ready G-code to his CNC machinery.

Chris explains, “the CNC machine is all hooked up to CABINET VISION. Everything is done through CABINET VISION – it comes straight down to the control centre of the machine, and we basically just push start, and it starts cutting for us. We don’t really need to know coding, thanks to the functionality contained within the CABINET VISION xMachining and +Router modules”.

Built around the Core (Cabinets) module of CABINET VISION, Chris has the full suite of multipliers and additions at his fingertips. This suite allowed him to automate his designs and production tasks. He was also able to customise CABINET VISION to implement his custom and bespoke installations.

“Planit is always helpful,” Chris says. “They always come up with solutions outside of the square. We always find a way to do it, a way that works for our business”.

Chris begins his day early, and CABINET VISION’s efficiency and flexibility allow him to be home by 4 pm. Then he relishes the afternoon with his primary-school-aged children and the evening with his wife, bookkeeper, and business partner Rebecca.


Looking to the Future

Looking to the future, Chris wants Precision Cabinetmaking to “get bigger, but with more of a focus on productivity and profitability, rather than just going after increased volume”.

Even though the COVID-19 pandemic is fading, it has left us with unimaginable realities and labour market constraints. Hence, Chris wants to focus on “automating as much as possible. We see software and machinery as the future of the industry and our business”.

CABINET VISION has allowed Chris to cut costs and amp up his profits. He says, “Planit Australia and CABINET VISION were my first choice years ago. We look forward to partnering with them for many years”.

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