Buying a Machine

Have you ordered a new CNC machine for delivery this year? Or maybe you have been thinking about pulling the trigger in 2023 to upgrade your current machine?

In either case, congratulations on taking the first step to taking your production capacity to the next level and improving your productivity and efficiency this year.

At Planit we have been helping cabinetmakers upgrade and improve for over 30 years. In 1988 CABINETVISION was introduced to the Australian market with the goal of helping our industry automate production; we haven’t looked back since.

I joined Planit in 2015 after working extensively in the industry with CABINETVISION and woodworking machinery. My first role was in technical support which included onboarding customers with our software and performing new machine connections as an integrator.

After leaving Planit for a few years to pursue an opportunity working with the first fully automated production line in the southern hemisphere! I returned as National Service Manager in 2021, soon after Sandy Passmore took full ownership of the company.

My team help manage all facets of technical support for Planit’s clients nationwide as we pride ourselves of providing some of the best support in the industry.

The focus of this article is particularly on machine connections and how Planit can help make the process of commissioning your new machine both smooth and stress free!

We find that many customers only start thinking about software once their shiny new machine lands in the country. This often leaves too little time to plan properly for the software integration and, in my experience, can lead to unnecessary disruption, frustration and more than a few bumps in the road with what is often a fairly tight timetable.

Ideally, its best if you contact our team when you are first considering your new machine or when you order so we can advise on what software will suit you best, based on your production needs. This is a process that our Business Development team will take you through, before handing over to my team to proceed to scheduling and implementation.

The more coordinated we can be in the early stages, the smoother the rollout when your machine is installed!

I believe that a real partnership doesn’t end when a ‘sale’ is made, for Planit, this is when it starts.

We are very proud of the fact that we have customers at Planit who have been with us for over 30+ years, who keep coming back to seek advice on how they can continue to improve their business.

Its all about trust built up over many years and our team being able to provide the very best advice and assistance available to help you produce amazing products in your workshop every day.

These kinds of partnerships are the cornerstone of our business at Planit, and we like to kick them off at the time you order your new machine. From there we can work with you to plan the all-important steps of scheduling the commissioning of your new machine, software integration and the final execution into production.

2023 has started strongly for my team working with all the major machinery suppliers (and most of the smaller ones too!) with a record number of new machine connections scheduled or executed from January through to the end of the financial year.

Once again, given the unprecedented market conditions our industry is experiencing, it is imperative that we start our planning with you as early as possible to give you the outcome we all want – a super smooth installation & commissioning for your new baby!



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Tech Day QLD/NT - 24.2.23