Empowering the Cabinetmaking Industry with Customised Software and Continuing Education
Larissa Reed, National Sales Manager
As the new National Sales Manager for Planit Australia, my job is to ensure that our products and services reach as many customers as possible. But more than that, I'm committed to making sure that our customers get the most out of the software we sell. To do that, we need to work with them closely and customise the software to meet their specific needs.
One of the key ways we do this is through our focus on education and training. We don't just sell software and leave our customers to figure it out on their own. Instead, as well as providing technical support, we run regular online and in-person tech days where our customers can learn how to use the software more effectively and get help with anything they need.
Our tech days are a great opportunity for our customers to connect with our technical service representatives and learn from their extensive experience. At each tech day, we focus on a specific aspect of our software according to feedback from our customers, diving deep into its functionality and how it can be used best to suit each customer's unique needs.
This year, we have already run two successful tech days in February and April. These events were a great success, and we received a lot of positive feedback from our customers. But we didn't want to stop there.
We wanted to take our education and training efforts to the next level, so we decided to launch a series of roadshows around Australia. These roadshows would give us the opportunity to reach even more customers and help them stay at the forefront of industry trends and innovation.
I was tasked with organising these roadshows, and I am incredibly excited about the opportunity. We have now launched the events as “The Planit Experience”. We have booked some gorgeous venues in major cities around Australia, and we have a fantastic program lined up. We are going to showcase all the new technology and products that we sell through Planit Australia, as well as provide drinks, nibbles, and networking opportunities for our customers. We also have some fantastic giveaways and prizes lined up.
As the roadshows draw closer, I can’t help but feel excited. I know that we are going to be able to help a lot of people take their businesses to the next level, and that will be incredibly rewarding.
We’ve already had a great response to the event launch, with registration for the free tickets proving very popular. It’s great to see that so many of our customers are eager to learn and connect, and to know that they are excited to see and try all the new technology and products that we have to offer.
I’m looking forward to the opportunity to speak with many of our customers and hear their stories and learn about the challenges they faced in their businesses. It will be incredibly rewarding for me and my team to be able to show them how our software can help them overcome these challenges and achieve their goals.
Looking forward to “The Planit Experience”, I'm incredibly proud of what we are planning to present. We will be able to connect with our customers in a meaningful way and show them how much we care about their businesses. We believe this event, combined with our quarterly tech days, will enable them to stay at the forefront of industry trends and innovation.
If you would like to come along to the Planit Experience, visit the events page or click below.