Unlocking the Potential of Your Business with Planit+ Membership

In the competitive world of woodworking and cabinetry, staying ahead requires more than just top-notch craftsmanship. It demands the best tools, continuous learning, and unparalleled support. This is where Planit+ comes in.

Planit+, delivered by the team at Planit Australia, is designed to elevate your business by providing a suite of benefits that enhance your use of CABINET VISION and other related software. To explore the value of the Planit+ membership, let's delve deeper into some of the key features and how they specifically help Planit’s customers.

1. Stay ahead with regular updates and smooth operations

In the fast-paced world of technology, software updates are crucial for staying competitive. As a Planit+ member, you gain access to regular software updates, ensuring you always have the latest features and improvements available at your fingertips. These updates are not just about adding new bells and whistles; they are about enhancing the functionality, efficiency, and security of the software you rely on.

Imagine being able to streamline your workflow with new tools and features that make complex tasks simpler and faster. Regular updates mean you can use new functionalities as they are released that can improve productivity.

For instance, recent updates to CABINET VISION have included enhancements to the user interface, making it more intuitive and easier to navigate. This reduces the learning curve for inexperienced users and allows experienced users to work more efficiently. Performance improvements that make your software run faster and more smoothly are also common in these updates, ensuring that you are always working with the best possible tools.

2. Hassle-free licence management

The digital age brings convenience but also the challenge of managing software licences. Planit+ simplifies this with keyless digital licences, offering a hassle-free way to manage your software assets. This protection ensures your licences are always secure and easily accessible, freeing you from the complexities of traditional licensing methods.

Keyless digital licences mean you no longer have to worry about losing physical licence keys or dealing with complicated activation processes. This not only saves time but also provides peace of mind, knowing that your software is always ready to use when you need it.

3. Expert Technical Support

Technical issues can be a significant bottleneck in any business. Planit+ offers extensive technical support through various channels.

These support channels are designed to ensure that help is always available when you need it. Whether you're facing a minor hiccup or a major problem, you can rely on the comprehensive support system provided by Planit+.

Technical support is a critical part of any software subscription, and Planit+ offers one of the most comprehensive support packages in the industry. The 24/7 online forum is a valuable resource where you can connect with other users, share insights, and get advice on common questions. The forum is moderated by experts who can give authoritative answers to your questions.

The knowledge base is another essential resource, offering a wealth of articles, tutorials, and guides that can help you resolve challenges independently and learn new techniques. Whether you need to research a specific scenario or application, or want to deepen your understanding of the software, the knowledge base has you covered.

The enhancement request system is a unique feature that allows you to directly influence the development of the software. If there is a feature you would like to see added or an improvement you think would help the community, you can submit your request through this system. This ensures that the software continues to evolve in ways that meet the needs of its users.

4. Continuous learning with Nexus Academy

Keep your skills sharp with Nexus Academy’s online education program. From beginner tutorials to advanced courses, there’s something for every skill level. Stay updated with industry trends and master new techniques to maximize your software’s potential.

The Nexus Academy offers a range of educational resources, from beginner tutorials to advanced courses. This ensures that you and your team can continuously improve your skills and stay up to date with the latest industry trends and techniques.

The educational programs are designed to cater to all levels of experience. For beginners, there are step-by-step tutorials that guide you through the basics of the software, helping you get up and running quickly. For more advanced users, there are in-depth courses that cover complex features and techniques, allowing you to take full advantage of the software's capabilities.

5. Personalised Concierge Service

Personalised service can make all the difference. The Planit+ Concierge Service provides:

·      Customised Customer Onboarding: Tailored onboarding processes to get you up and running swiftly and efficiently.

·      Customer Satisfaction & Experience Advocate: Dedicated professionals ensuring your needs are met and your experience is improved.

·      Guidance on Planit Products & Services: Expert advice on how to best use the range of Planit offerings to suit your specific business needs.

The Concierge Service is designed to ensure that you get the most out of your Planit+ membership. From the moment you join, you receive personalised support to help you navigate the various features and benefits of the program.

The customised onboarding process is particularly valuable for new members. The concierge team will work with you to understand your specific needs and goals, and then tailor the onboarding process to ensure you get the most out of your membership from day one. This personalised approach helps you get up to speed quickly and start seeing the benefits of your membership sooner.

The Customer Satisfaction & Experience Advocate is another key part of the Concierge Service. This dedicated professional is your point of contact for any questions you may have. They are there to ensure your needs are met and your experience with Planit+ is always positive. Whether you need help with a specific scenario, or just have a question about the program, your concierge is there to help you.

6. Access to cutting-edge Hardware Packages

Stay ahead with the latest technology. Planit+ members receive complimentary packages for new releases from Planit Hardware Partners. This ensures you have access to innovative hardware that can enhance your operational capabilities.

Having access to the latest cabinet hardware can make a significant difference in your business operations. Whether it's new door systems, more efficient storage solutions, or the latest drawer releases, the hardware packages provided by Planit+ ensure that you have the tools you need to stay competitive.

The hardware packages are selected to complement the software tools you use, ensuring that you have a fully integrated solution that maximises your productivity. By staying on the forefront of technology, you can take on more complex projects, improve your turnaround times, and deliver higher quality results to your clients.

7. Save with exclusive discounts

Saving on costs while investing in quality products is always a win. Planit+ provides discount coupons for purchases at the Planit Online Store. This means you can buy essential tools and upgrades at reduced prices, further adding value to your membership.

The discounts and coupons offered by Planit+ cover a wide range of products and data solutions from Solid Setup Plus. This ensures that you can always get the tools you need at a price that fits your budget. Whether you need a new piece of data to enhance your capabilities or a package upgrade to improve your performance, Planit+ makes it more affordable.

8. Dedicated Support Services

Reliable support is a cornerstone of the Planit+ membership. The program includes:

·      NEW Planit+ Support Portal: Just launched, the Planit+ Support Portal is a centralised hub for all your support needs.

·      NEW Planit+ Knowledge Base: Another recent resource that expands your access to information and solutions.

·      Certified CABINET VISION Helpdesk Technical Support: Expert helpdesk support to tackle any questions or requests about your software.

·      Complimentary Installations and Health Checks: Certified technicians will install your software and conduct health checks to ensure everything runs smoothly.

These support services are designed to ensure that you have access to the help you need when you need it. Whether it's a quick question or a more complex case, the dedicated support services provided by Planit+ ensure that you can get back to business as quickly as possible.

The new Planit+ Support Portal will provide a centralised location for all your support needs. This portal will include access to the knowledge base, the helpdesk ticket system, and other support resources. This means you can quickly find the information you need and get help with any challenges you may be facing.

9.Industry insights with Tech Days and Webinars

Learning from the best can significantly affect your business. Planit+ offers Certified Tech Days and Webinars, where you can interact with industry experts, gain insights into best practices, and stay updated on the latest trends and technologies.

These events offer valuable opportunities for learning and networking. By attending Certified Tech Days and Webinars, you can gain new insights and ideas that can help you improve your business operations and stay ahead of the competition.

10. Connect with Nexus Community

The Nexus Community is a vibrant ecosystem of professionals and enthusiasts. As a Planit+ member, you gain access to this community, allowing you to network, collaborate, and share knowledge with peers and experts alike.

The Nexus Community provides a platform for you to connect with others in the industry, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. This can lead to new business opportunities, partnerships, and innovations that can help your business grow.

11. Enhanced Business Efficiency

All these benefits culminate in one ultimate advantage: enhanced business efficiency. With continuous updates, robust support, educational resources, and community access, your business can run more smoothly and effectively. You’ll be better equipped to meet client demands, innovate in your projects, and stay competitive in the market.


The enhanced efficiency provided by Planit+ means that you can get more done in less time, with fewer resources. This can lead to increased productivity, higher profits, and a stronger competitive edge.

In Conclusion

The Planit+ membership program is more than just a collection of benefits; it’s a strategic investment in the future of your business. By providing you with the tools, support, and community needed to excel, Planit+ ensures that you are always at the forefront of the woodworking and cabinetry industry. Whether you’re a small business just starting or an established company looking to innovate, Planit+ offers the resources and support to help you succeed. Join Planit+ today and take the first step towards transforming your business.
